The Amavashya date of the Krishna Paksha of Magha month is called Maghi Amavasya or Mauni Amavasya. This year, Mauni Amavashya or Maghi Amavashya is on Thursday, February 11. The person's self-strength is strengthened by keeping Mauni Amavasya fast.
The Amavashya Tithi of the Krishna Paksha of Magh month starts late on February 10 at 01: 08 minutes, which is late on February 11 at 12.35 minutes. In such a situation, Udaya date is being received on 11 February, at such a situation, Mouni Amavashya are going to be on 11 February. On February 11, people bath, donation, fast, worship, etc. will be done on the moonless moon.
Jai Mauni Amavashya