At the Dastagir Legal Aid Center, a free morpheme of about 40 sorts of work was filled, including the Uttar Pradesh government's public welfare scheme, Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Manthan, pension scheme for unorganized workers. For the Support Center for Workers at Gulabari by Faizan Rashid, the founding advocate of Dastagir Legal Aid Center, around 185 free Panjian farms were filled and given to people with unfinished fields the opposite day.
Lala Ram gave an in depth description of every of the schemes and gave information about making labor card to urge maximum benefits from the people. The co-ordinator of the organization, Rahul Shukla, conducted the program.
Faizan Rashid, convenor of Dastagir Legal Aid Center, Rahul Shukla Irfan Rashid welcomed the chief guest Gautam Giri and Lala Ram by presenting a bouquet to the Assistant Labor Commissioner. Organizer Faizan Rashid highlighted the aim of Dastagir Support Center. Basil plant b. Was introduced by Ahmed.
during this program, Faizan Rashid, Rahul Shukla, Irfan Rashid, Girish Pandey, Imran Rashid, S.A. Women including Mo.Ascari, Mohammad Faisal, Sa Mohammad Abbas Hussain, Aqib Ansari, Raza Naqvi, Altam Khan, Ankit Kumar participated. Men and youth were present.