Advocates belonging to the Samajwadi Party protested at the high court's Dr. Ambedkar Murti site within the central government raising the worth of LPG twice daily during a month. Advocates led by Advocate and Metropolitan President Samajwadi Party, Mr. Iftekhar Hussain gave a robust demonstration.
If the Central Government doesn't take back the worth of gas to supply relief to the people that are affected by inflation, Mr. Iftekhar alleged that whenever the general public is on the streets in protest against the Central Government Knowingly, the Modi government does something that folks leave that protest and attend protest on the opposite side, but now it'll not happen, with the opposition of the black movement of the peasant movement and therefore the agricultural bill, every undemocratic and anti-people decision of the central government The opposition will still be opposed by the Samajwadi Party.
Among those opposing are Ravindra Yadav Ravi, Kitab Ali, Mashhad Ali Khan, Mo. Zaid, Jamil Ansari, GS Yadav, Ahmed Ali Siddiqui, Farid Rine, Vikram Patel, On Zaidi, John Zaidi, Mr. Mo.Askari, Kashan Siddiqui, Aaqib Javed Khan, Rakesh Yadav, Lalji Yadav, Waqar Ahmad, Mo. Zafar etc.