On January 13, Amarjeet Yadav and Rameez Ahsan were declared candidates on behalf of the Samajwadi Party in the Municipal Corporation Executive Chunav. The House under the chairmanship of Metropolitan President Sy Iftekhar Hussain and Leader of Metropolitan General Secretary Ravindra Yadav Ravi, Athar Raza Ladle It proposed to make Amarjeet Yadav and Rameez Ahsan as SP candidates, which more than two dozen SP councilors passed by voice and submitted an application to the metropolitan president, Sy Iftekhar Hussain and resolved to win it in the municipal corporation executive election.
Introducing a mobilization from the SP councilors, he appealed to win his candidate with a landslide victory in the MLC election of the teacher MLC election. In the first preference vote for the candidate, our two candidates will be victorious in the Municipal Corporation Executive.
The meeting was attended by metropolitan presidents Mr. Iftekhar Hussain, Ravindra Yadav Ravi, senior councilors Gan Athar Raza Ladle, Ajay Yadav, Anees Ahmed, Mo. Azam, Fazal Khan, Nitin Yadav, Nazrin Begum wife Zafar Khan, Naam Yadav, Mo. Azad, Nimanshu Yadav, Gausia Samad wife Abdul. Samad, Ranjit Nishad, Urmila Yadav wife Ramesh Yadav, Manjeet Kumar, Rameez Ahsan, Amarjeet Yadav, Rupa Devi wife Satish Kumar, Rohit Yadav, Jayabharat Yadav, Mo. Zahid, S. Mo. Askari etc.