
Lohari - know about holy festival of India.

Makarsankranti: - Today is the festival of Makar Sankranti. It is being celebrated with joy and gaiety all over India. It is known as Bihu in Assam in our country and Lohri in Punjab and Khichdi in the states of North India. On this day, there is a variety of dishes like kite baji and sesame rice and sesame rice and Bajra gram flour, paddy chura and lava of maize and jaggery with lava and jaggery. And dissolve sugar or jaggery from the bean bean and eat it with pag or lentil strip and green gram greens salt and chilli coriander sauce, which contains water from the sour water of the greens and greens and the old memories of which in the other fields Food is also remembered even today. On this day, the donation of jaggery and sesame seeds and rice and lentils by Mother tells us the notion of treating the whole country as family. Now we talk about Lohri in Punjab, after the Kharib crop, the worship of that crop, and today its donation and gidda dance is performed in a special way, including Bhagda and Punjabi apparel which fascinates both body and mind. And we talk that in the state of Assam, this festival is celebrated in the name of Bihu, in which there are different types of dishes in Assam, which include both local dishes such as beige and naan veg. . Now let's talk about its geographical significance. Today, the sun comes from Dhanu Rasi to Makara and the sun falls from Uttarayan to Uttarayan. This is the reason for this event. Wish you all on the Makar Sankranti from all over India and the world.

Today is the festival of Makar Sankranti. It is being celebrated with joy and gaiety all over India. It is known as Bihu in Assam in our country and Lohri in Punjab and Khichdi in the states of North India. On this day, there is a variety of dishes like kite baji and sesame rice and sesame rice and Bajra gram flour, paddy chura and lava of maize and jaggery with lava and jaggery. 

And dissolve sugar or jaggery from the bean bean and eat it with pag or lentil strip and green gram greens salt and chilli coriander sauce, which contains water from the sour water of the greens and greens and the old memories of which in the other fields Food is also remembered even today. On this day, the donation of jaggery and sesame seeds and rice and lentils by Mother tells us the notion of treating the whole country as family.

Now we talk about Lohri in Punjab, after the Kharib crop, the worship of that crop, and today its donation and gidda dance is performed in a special way, including Bhagda and Punjabi apparel which fascinates both body and mind.

And we talk that in the state of Assam, this festival is celebrated in the name of Bihu, in which there are different types of dishes in Assam, which include both local dishes such as beige and naan veg. .

Now let's talk about its geographical significance. Today, the sun comes from Dhanu Rasi to Makara and the sun falls from Uttarayan to Uttarayan. This is the reason for this event.

Wish you all on the Makar Sankranti from all over India and the world.

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