Those applying for 2022 assembly elections from Samajwadi Party got 20 days more time. The President of the city, Mr. Iftekhar Hussain, said that the National President Akhilesh Yadav had fixed the last date of the first application till January 26, which is now extended to February 15. The Samajwadi Party is very serious about the 2022 Legislative Assembly elections. The SP's direct fight is with the BJP.
Nagar General Secretary Ravindra Yadav said that the people interested in contesting the Legislative Assembly elections from the three Vidhan Sabha of the city till February 15. On increasing the time, said that the applicants who have missed applying due to lack of time, should now use the increased time and apply with a No Objection Certificate.
While giving the above information, Metropolitan Secretary and Media In-charge, Mr. Mo. Askari told that the number of applicants continuously The Samajwadi Party is growing in large numbers and is applying to the state office by taking a No Objection Certificate from the metropolitan president. The Samajwadi Party has already become active about the 2022 assembly elections. The organization is strengthened at the booth and sector level. The SP's direct fight is with the BJP.