The life is not so simple. It takes exams at every step of life. We can the struggle for making better life and how we depend on nature. Everyday human beings work hard to make their livelihood and not only humans but other living things also are struggling in the world.  This video shows the real struggle of persons of different places. 

We must respect to all creature which present's on the earth and water. The unethical life carry into hell. As it is said that good life is serve helpless and needy creatures. Nowadays people destroy the jungle wherefore wildlife also has reached at level of end.  The government has started many schemes in the welfare of environment and ecology. 

There is more different in the  society like economy, social, political, culture and religious and their means of livelihood also different yet they are all one.  This is the real unity in diversity of India. This is where we worship nature IN different form like festivals as Lohari, Holi, Diwali,  Eed, Christmas Day and many more which especially show the unity of India.