05 March 2021, Allahabad. Weekly seminar program on the topic "Investigation of increasing communicationlessness, depression and suicide among youth" was successful today in the banyan lawn of Allahabad University.
More than 50 students participated in the dialogue and shared their experiences and suggestions. Film speaker Ashish Kumar, the keynote speaker of the dialogue, described depression as the main cause of increasing suicides among the youth. Due to which students are becoming introverted instead of sharing their problems with someone else and considering themselves to be the root of all problems, they are moving towards suicide.
While discussing this subject, student Manish Kumar said that the absence of adequate opportunities for the youth by the power system, lack of sound policy towards the youth, impractical ambitions and negative beliefs of the society are responsible.
Student Imran said that few people have become totalitarian here today. Which forced Rohit Vemula to commit suicide.
Psychology student Vikas Gond said that suicide is a subject of psychology in which the person goes into a state of depression. The person now does not see any way forward. In Allahabad itself, 5 suicide cases have been reported in 22 days.
WHO figures show that 1 suicide case is occurring every 40 seconds. Globally, 8 lakh people have committed suicide in 2016.
According rding to NCRB, 90 thousand youth have committed suicide in 2018. Most of these cases are due to unemployment and expensive education. 38 youth are committing suicide every day due to unemployment. 37% of the total suicide cases in the world are committed by women. This is very worrying.
Keeping all these in mind, "World Anti-Suicide Day" is celebrated every 10 September.
Mohammad Issaq, Aryan Raj, Ranjana, Shivani, Shashi Siddharth, Ankit Raman, Anil Kumar, Anupam, Amaresh, Mohammed Omar, Kavi Gond, Neeraj Kumar, Chandra Prakash, Anurag Yadav, Amit, Dilip Kumar, Shah Faizal, Umakant More than 50 students, Ankur, Santosh, Antas, Shailesh Paswan, Sonu Yadav, Anirudh, RP Gautam, Ghazali Khan, Dinesh, Ranvijay, Seemant, Sumit Gautam, Pawan Singh, Mayank, Rishikesh, Santosh, etc. are included.