At present time there are many problems before the world but the growing population of humans is very dangerous since it affects the environment and much fatal disease came out in light like Covid-19 and Ebola and many more from environment. Today all the country is focusing only development and invention but they are not caring about ecosystems and environment.

Recently the planet population report has been published in Lancet by research at the University of Wasington’s institute for health Metrics and Evalution [IHME]. it's reported that the planet population will peak much before previous estimation. IHME is an institute which is stabilished  in 2007. it's a worldwide health research institute which provides health and science related reports of the planet .

The world population will be at 9.73 billion in 2064 which is 36 years earlier. The 11 billion high  projected for 2100 by last year U.N. report world population projects. consistent with the new report, there'll be decline to eight .79 billion from the 2064 and India will remain the foremost populous country within the world and there'll be five largest countries India, Nigeria, China, the U.S. and Pakistan. the worldwide birthrate is predicted to steadily decline from 2.37 in 2017 to 1.66 in 2100. The TFR is made to fall below 2.1 in 183 countries. In 23 countries in which  Japan, Thailand, Italy and Spain. it's scored  to shrink by quite 50 %.

TFR- total birthrate {per women}.

If we mention the TFR, it's a way by which it measures the entire number of youngsters born or women born children in her life time of the planet . It shows data aboard of research.

Most populous country in the world
Beautiful environment