Women have equal rights 

Everyone has the equal right to live in the society weather it is related from the social, cultural, political and religious. Every person have right to make their life more develop.  But it has seen that men have more power against the women.  The great leader Mahatma Gandhi had said about the women and her role in development.

Women have no equal right like men in the society and it is seen 23 per cent a t the global level. It half part of the country will not link in the development of the country, how the country will develop. Women work like men in all the sectors weather it is hard work like working in fields, factory yet they do not get equal payment like men and it may be prejudice work for women.

Seeing this inequality in the payment of men and women, the international equal pay day has celebrated on 18 September every year. The main aim of celebrating to this day is spreading awareness about the equal payment of women like men. The international equal payment day is started by united nation. 

The women face discrimination in equal payment in society while women also play an important role in the welfare of society and country.  Why they do not get equal payment like women of same hard work. The fifth part of sustainable development goal also talks about gender equality in which it is mention that everyone has equal right to live their life in the society. None face discrimination by gender related matter.

The main goal of international equal pay day is to provide equal payment to women like men so that women can feel equality in the society and people get information about the women rights. And women are the first teacher of children. If they have no equal right in the society then we can say that we are at the developing way of the world.