World suicide stopping  day is celebrated on 10 September in order to spread awareness among the people how suicide is epicenter of all the deaths occurring all over the world and it's organized by international association for suicide prevention. And the subject  is "Working together to prevent suicide" Life is very priceless things given by God and there is no word to say about the life in my life since life is given by God just one time to enjoy it, share it within the welfare of others.

If we study the history and story associated with our religion during which many kings and monk teach us the importance of life and the way they create it very simple  which the life could be happy. Even when a person takes birth on the world , he was connected from many relations automatically like family, worlds, nature and lots of more. There is nothing but happiness is whole around within the family weather he's boy or girl but it's separate matter that humans most like boys instead of girls. It is not good  thinking of our society which makes differences between girls and boys. Both are equal. Now a day’s suicide is a major problem before the country and it is happening especially in that country where on youth population is more. 

Which sorts of problem has precede the youth that they're doing such a nasty work together with his life. The people don't  muse once about their parents who care us fighting from difficulties and society. If we glance at the info of India to killing themselves, it's grown more in 2019. The die  by suicide are increasing constantly in India. The number of men killing themselves is more within the compare of girls . 

Most of these daily workers and farmers do such work. According to the info of NRCB national crime report bureau over 1.39 lakhs people committed suicide while there have been 93061 youth groups in 2019. Why the youths are committing suicide. Why don't they believe their family and their parents once they are committing suicide? 

The youth face many problems by which they became frustrate like unemployment, domestic violence, society pressure and many more wherefore they loss their mentally balance. The family and friends need to support to the actual one that is under this condition. People should be able to tackle all the issues which precede them. Then their family and friends even country are going to be on the way of growth.