Today at Allahabad University Students' Union Building, NSUI Prayagraj celebrated the birth anniversary of Iron Man, the first Home Minister of the country, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel ji, the mother of disciplined democracy and India's only woman Prime Minister Amar Balidani Smt. Indira Gandhi ji On the occasion of organizing Shraddhajali Sabha and seminar, he remembered his contributions towards the country.
NSUI District President Akshay Yadav Krantivir said that Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel combined more than 500 small princely states into one country and gave birth to a nation, but today the present government was sometimes Hindus and Muslims were divided in the country. And it is said about a nation.
Unit President Satyam Kushwaha said that if Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel unified the nation, Smt. Indira Gandhi gave pride and dignity to the nation and raised the head of India in the countries of the world.