In order to urge the status of international language to Hindi on the table of international standards, a world-wide meeting was organized in Nag Pur on 10 January 1975, during which 122 delegates from 30 countries of the planet participated. thanks to the convening of the planet Hindi Conference, the international international date of January 10 was declared.
The Prime Minister, Honorable Manmohan Singh announced to celebrate this date as World Hindi Day. And it worked to manage it per annum . the sole purpose of doing this is often to propagate and spread this language globally.
Introduction to Hindi language
once we mention the event of Hindi language, this language is additionally born from Bharoopiya language and its origin is from Magadhi and Ardha Magadhi of Apabhramsa language. and therefore the script that we are seeing and writing today is Devanagari. Sampurna literature has arisen. Other texts and other literature have also been translated.
Today India is that the embassy of the country within the whole world, where the work of propagating Hindi is being done, today, Hindi has been included as a language within the major world schools of the planet . most the countries of Asia and Africa, Europe, America and America will find Hindi speaking people anywhere within the country, which adds to our glory.
Language type ,,,
1-: mere language
2-: Language of the state or province
3-: Language of Rastra
4-: International language
1-: Language only: -
Language may be a medium through which we exchange our thoughts. We also call it dialect. The language which is related to our mother, that is, our culture, we call it the regional language, but there's such a language within the world which is prevalent even today as many tribes use an equivalent language because the main man Pygmy is that the Tharu Mizo Assamese language in our country, which we call as mere language.
2-: Language of the state or province: -
The language of the state or province is that which we use in writing work which has its own grammar. it's the excellence of being the language of the state by that state. intrinsically the language of some states of India is their only language. Mizoram Hindi is that the language of the Mizo Assamese of Assam and therefore the states of northern India like Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Similarly, Spain Japan is their state language within the countries of Germany, Europe and Russia.
3: -Rast language-:
Rastra Sabad only gives the message of unity, just like the language of Chinese, Mandarin, the language of Pakistan, Urdu, the language of America, of these countries do their national work only through Rastra language.
4: - International language: - To represent your country on the planet stage, a language which may be a medium of communication within the world beyond, like English Fanch German Mandarin Russian which is legendary globally. Our language Hindi which is that the most ancient during this language. It should even be propagated and it's our goal to understand and use this language within the entire world.