Women community of the planet has got to face all types of exploitation and the rationale for this is often that ladies are differentiated during this society in terms of that respect  which she has physical and mental pain, which she cannot even tell anyone. This is the violence that has been eradicated to destroy such an idea stream and provides birth to a replacement idea globally.

Respect the women

In order to require this thought stream forward, the United Nations General Assembly announced to celebrate 25 November as World Women's Violence Eradication Day to eradicate female violence globally.

History of World Women's Violence Eradication Day: -

On 25 November 1981, three female leaders of three domains were brutally murdered. thanks to which the entire world expressed condolences on this incident.

To commemorate this date globally and to scale back or completely eliminate the violence of girls power, a gathering of the planet Assembly was organized. And on this date, 25 November was declared as World Women's Violence Eradication Day. Major Organizations for the Eradication of girls Violence: in sight of the increasing aggression towards women, the United Nations formed the planet Women's Association. And this institution is engaged within the work associated with the eradication of girls violence globally. Similarly, the Women's Safety Law and Commission has been formed in India which talks about women's safety and their rights.

Introduction to female violence: -

Violence is when a lady is tortured mentally and ideologically and physically without her consent. which may be spread through the subsequent points.

Body Violence: -

When beating a lady together with her body parts, which is additionally called violence , and insulting them whenever she comes and opposes them, and forcibly bringing physical custody with them is additionally called physical torture and violence . thanks to which their marriage becomes alive.

Sexual activity: -

When sexual activity with a lady without her consent is named Yuna Char, during which sexual trafficking and sex racket and making sexual relations with the woman is named Yuna Char.

Mental Nonviolence: -

Under this violence, the woman's respect and a spotlight isn't paid in the least . during which she is going to be making free photos and clips and harassing them again and again, and searching at the lady during a wrong way and taking a glance at her, it all comes as mental torture is.

Prevention: - Whatever description given above falls under the category of female violence, which is claimed to eradicate the tendency to destroy the origin.

1: - to form women conscious of their rights and duties.

2: - to form the world's public conscious of sex education.

3: - To motivate women to boost their voice for exploitation.

4: - Opposition of anti-female practices like child marriage dowry system, Sati system in social and judicial sector and these laws should be strictly followed.

5: - Women trafficking and child trafficking should be followed with strict regulations.

6: - Social and administrative opposition should be made to any quite misbehavior and that they should be controlled by taking action on such elements.

7: to stop this sort of crime, special departments and social organizations should be stopped coming forward.

It is the aim of creating the planet community conscious of of these rules and about all sorts of female violence, including murder, suicide, rape and sexual assault , to celebrate World Women Violence Eradication Day on 25 November and to create a healthy and self-sufficient society. Where the rights of the lady are protected, during which she can also live life with self-respect.