This is the story of a village boy who lives in hostel with the help of his friends now and his name is Ghhan Shyam. The parents of Ghhan Shyam is poor and work as daily wages worker at a brick making factory.
The opens from the bank of Ganga river where Ghhan Shyam has gone to bath with his villagers friends on where Ghhan Shyam and his friends make stunt like Bollywood movies actor in the river. And Ghhan Shyam is ahead in this row wherefore one his friend has died shrinking in river.
After dieing his friend, other friends lives friendship of Ghhan Shyam by making pressure of parents and now Ghhan shyam has been alone. He goes to school alone and in the classroom teacher asks why he lives alone but when during exams time many gathered you. Ghhan Shyam keeps silence.